Thinline Bible--imitation leather, brown with flowers-KJV LIMITED QUANTITIES AVAILABLE
Item Number: 9781432133191
This beautifully classic King James Version Bible is an ideal thinline Bible wrapped in a light brown imitation leather cover. The smooth leather front cover is heat debossed with an intricate floral motif held by a heat debossed and gold foiled double frame. The title and version reference are gold foiled and placed inside two small vignettes. The back cover features a heat debossed flowering branch surrounded by a heat debossed and gold foiled double frame, while the spine features the same title and version reference as the front cover-also in gold foil-with gold foil and heat debossed decorative faux spine ribbing. Inside, you'll find a generous 10 point type, reader-friendly subheadings, the words of Christ printed in red, a double-column format, and a thematic Scripture verse finder. The combination of the large font and the thin profile make this an excellent Bible for positioning on a podium or placing inside a backpack or briefcase for traveling.
- Dusty Brown Faux Leather Cover
- Classic King James Version
- Heat Debossed Floral Design
- Heat Debossed and Gold Foiled Frame
- Gold Foiled Title
- Flexcover
- Thinline
- Lay-Flat Binding
- Attached Ribbon Page Marker
- Gilt-edged Pages
- Thumb-indexing Tabs
- Double-column Format
- Reader-friendly Subheadings
- Thematic Scripture Verse Finder
- One-Year Bible Reading Plan
- Presentation Page
- Words of Christ in Red
- 10-point type
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