Spanish-RVR 1960 Full Life Study Bible-Black Bonded Leather Indexed

Item Number: 9780829731989

  • Spanish-RVR 1960 Full Life Study Bible-Black Bonded Leather Indexed
  • Spanish-RVR 1960 Full Life Study Bible-Black Bonded Leather Indexed
  • Spanish-RVR 1960 Full Life Study Bible-Black Bonded Leather Indexed

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SPANISH EDITION. This King James version of the Bible includes introductions to every book, extensive study notes explaining Bible verses and passages positioned on the same page for easy access and 16 pages of full-color maps. It also has an extensive concordance to help you locate a verse for which you recall a key word but not its' location, and a subject index directing you to the most important notes and articles on many key topics.

La Biblia de Estudio de la Vida Plena ampliará tu conocimiento de la obra del Espíritu Santo a través de los tiempos y podrás sentir al Espíritu en tu corazón tal como aquellos presentes en Pentecostés. Características: Las notas explican palabras y frases difíciles de entender, más de 100 diagramas y mapas de dos colores aparecen en lugares estratégicos a través de la Biblia, introduciones y cuadros cronológicos, mapas ilustrados de los viajes bíblicos, tablas de pesos y medidas. Piel especial, color negro con índice.

The Spanish Full Life Study Bible will expand your knowledge of the acts of the Holy Spirit through the ages and enables you to feel the Spirit in your heart just as those who were present on the day of Pentecost. Features: Notes explains had-to-understand words and phrases, over 100 two-colors charts and maps are strategically placed throughout the Bible, introductions and timelines, illustrated maps of biblical journeys, table of weights and measures. Black leather, indexed.

Dimensions: 9.8 X 6.88 X 1.6 (inches)

Text Color: Red Letter
Text Size: 9 Point
Note Size: 8 Point
Thumb Index: Yes
Ribbon Marker: Yes
Page Gilding: Gold




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